残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(27)


8220;Baba says Hitler was crazy, that he ordered a lot of innocent people killed, 8221;I heard myself say before I could clamp a hand on my mouth.

8220;我爸爸说希特勒是个疯子,他下令杀害了很多无辜的人。 8221;我来不及用手捂住嘴巴,这话已经脱口而出。

Assef snickered. 8220;He sounds like my mother, and she 8217;s German; she should know better. But then they want you to believe that, don 8217;t they? They don 8217;t want you to know the truth. 8221;

阿塞夫不屑地说: 8221;他说的跟我妈妈一样。她是德国人,她本来应该更清楚。不过他们要你这么认为,是吗?他们不想让你知道真相。 8221;

I didn 8217;t know who 8220;they 8221;were, or what truth they were hiding, and I didn 8217;t want to find out. I wished I hadn 8217;t said anything. I wished again I 8217;d look up and see Baba coming up the hill.

我不知道 8221;他们 8221;是谁,也不知道他们隐瞒了什么真相,我也根本不想去知道。我希望我什么也没说,我又希望我抬起头就能看见爸爸朝山上走来。

8220;But you have to read books they don 8217;t give out in school, 8221;Assef said. 8220;I have. And my eyes have been opened. Now I have a vision, and I 8217;m going to share it with our new president. Do you know what it is? 8221;

8220;但是你得读读那些学校里面看不到的书。 8221;阿塞夫说, 8221;我读了,令我茅塞顿开。现在我有个抱负,我要将它告诉我们的总统。你想知道那是什么吗? 8221;

I shook my head. He 8217;d tell me anyway; Assef always answered his own questions.


His blue eyes flicked to Hassan. 8220;Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose here. His people pollute our Homeland, our watan. They dirty our blood. 8221;He made a sweeping, grandiose gesture with his hands. 8220;Afghanistan for Pashtuns, I say. That 8217;s my vision. 8221;

他那双蓝眼睛望着哈桑: 8221;阿富汗是普什图人的地盘,过去一直是,将来也永远是。我们是真正的阿富汗人,纯种的阿富汗人,这个塌鼻子不是。他们这种人污染了我们的土地、我们的国家,他们弄脏我们的血脉。 8221;他挥舞双手,做了个夸张的姿势, 8221;普什图人的阿富汗,我说,这就是我的抱负。 8221;

Assef shifted his gaze to me again. He looked like someone coming out of a good dream. 8220;Too late for Hitler, 8221;he said. 8220;But not for us. 8221;

阿塞夫又看着我,他看起来像是刚从美梦中醒来。 8221;希特勒生不逢时, 8221;他说, 8221;但我们还来得及。 8221;

He reached for something from the back pocket of his jeans. 8220;I 8217;ll ask the president to do what the king didn 8217;t have the quwat to do. To rid Afghanistan of all the dirty, kasseef Hazaras. 8221;

他伸手去牛仔裤的后兜摸索某样东西, 8221;我要恳求总统完成从前国王没做的事情,派军队清除所有这些垃圾,这些肮脏的哈扎拉人。 8221;

标签:   发布日期:2024-04-01 05:02:00  投稿会员:Aucao