



Q. How much Force power can Yoda output?


A. I 8217;M GOING TO-of course-ignore the prequels.


Yoda 8217;s greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke 8217;s X-wing from the swamp. As far as physically moving objects around goes, this was easily the biggest expenditure of energy through the Force we saw from anyone in the trilogy.


The energy it takes to lift an object to a given height is equal to the object 8217;s mass times the force of gravity times the height it 8217;s lifted. The X-wing scene lets us use this to put a lower limit on Yoda 8217;s peak power output.


First we need to know how heavy the ship was. The X-wing 8217;s mass has never been canonically established, but its length has-12.5 meters. An F-22 is 19 meters long and weighs 19,700 kg, so scaling down from this gives an estimate for the X-wing of about 12,000 pounds (5 metric tons).


Next, we need to know how fast it was rising. I went over footage of the scene and timed the X-wing 8217;s rate of ascent as it was emerging from the water.


The front landing strut rises out of the water in about three and a half seconds, and I estimated the strut to be 1.4 meters long (based on a scene in A New Hope where a crew member squeezes past it), which tells us the X-wing was rising at 0.39 m/s.


Lastly, we need to know the strength of gravity on Dagobah. Here, I figure I 8217;m stuck, because while sci-fi fans are obsessive, it 8217;s not like there 8217;s gonna be a catalog of minor geophysical characteristics for every planet visited in Star Wars. Right?


Nope. I 8217;ve underestimated the fandom. Wookieepeedia has just such a catalog, and informs us that the surface gravity on Dagobah is 0.9g. Combining this with the X-wing mass and lift rate gives us our peak power output:


标签:   发布日期:2024-03-05 05:02:00  投稿会员:Aucao