英语美文欣赏:珍视自我价值 学会适时说不

After I had my second child, I wanted to show my boss I could handle anything. I said yes to coming back too soon and working the overnight shift! I was so beat, I fell down the stairs holding my baby — she spent eight weeks in a body cast. She 8217;s fine now, but that was an excruciating price to pay for not being able to say no.


Since then, I 8217;ve trusted that I 8217;m good enough that saying no won 8217;t hurt my prospects. Actually, being direct about what you want — without second-guessing or excuses — shows you value yourself. Power through awkward moments like these and you 8217;ll get to your yes.


You find the perfect dress for your friend 8217;s bachelorette. Then the saleswoman starts insisting you get this belt and those earrings too.


8220;I love that, but I 8217;m not going to get it today. 8221; The sales assistant is just doing her job — she doesn 8217;t take a no personally and you shouldn 8217;t either. You 8217;re wasting her time by acting like you 8217;redeliberating or putting something on hold just for show. Say no, be lovely about it 8230; and leave.


Mom and Dad invite you on a cruise. You get only two weeks off and think this would be an awful way to spend one of them.


8220;I love you and that 8217;s so generous, but I can 8217;t. How about a weekend visit? 8221; Time with you may be more important to them than the plan. Be quick and sweet, and don 8217;t make up a story. They knew when you were lying at age 8; they 8217;ll know now. P.S. Don 8217;t get guilted! You 8217;re an adult!


The Guy You Want to Date says, 8220;Let 8217;s hang Saturday. 8221; At 1 a.m., he finally texts, indicating his interest in, ahem, hanging. Nuh-uh.


Text, 8220;No thanks. 8221; Wait a beat. Then, 8220;But dinner Wednesday? 8221; If you want more, don 8217;t take less for fear he 8217;ll disappear. Forget about jumping like it 8217;s the president calling! You 8217;ll save yourself months of pain by being clear with him and sticking to your decision.


Your boss asks you to work on Saturday, but your cousin is getting married.


8220;I would love to work on that with you, but I have a big family event. What if I stayed late Friday night? 8221; Apologizing or going into an absurd amount of detail seems weak. Be calm and make eye contact and she 8217;ll respect what you 8217;re saying. Then follow up with an alternative solution if you can, so everyone wins.”


Your friend has a great idea for a vegan-snack-sample-delivery business, but you do not have thedough.


8220;I just gave to another friend 8217;s charity race, so I 8217;m tapped out. Can I help by making an intro for you instead? 8221; Little white lies can be okay. You don 8217;t have to share details about your finances with friends. Value the work you did to earn your money, and donate only to causes that move you.



标签:   发布日期:2023-06-14 05:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao