青春终将逝去 25岁前一定要尝试的25件事

1. Go to a Music Festival.


See your favourite bands play live; experience the atmosphere, the fashions and the micro-culture of life in a large field with a crowd of people all there to enjoy the experience.


2. Buy Dinner for Your Parents.


Your parents may have been been funding your life for years, so now you can experience the joy of repaying their kindness, love, and responsibility, and of developing an adult relationship with them. Taking them out for dinner, and picking up the bill, is one of the ways of doing this.


3. Travel to Another Continent


Travelling, with the exposure to different climes, cultures, and peoples, broadens the mind, helps develop life skills, and makes for more open attitudes and tolerance. However open-minded you are, there’s nothing like experiencing a different way of life firsthand. It also furnishes you with some great dinner party stories!


4. Try an Adrenaline Sport.


You could try sky diving, white water rafting or bungee jumping. Pushing your comfort zone and trying something like this may terrify you, but you’ll feel immensely proud of overcoming your fear.


5. Spend the Whole Weekend Partying.


Doing an “all weekender” can be more difficult as you get older and have more responsibilities—it’s a great experience to try!


6. Have a Good Conversation with Someone of a Different Faith or Belief to Your Own.


Conversations like this helps us realise we’re not so different to other people, regardless of appearances.


7. Vote.


Have your say on how your home country is run. We really can’t complain if we have the democratic right to express our views, but don’t do so.


8. Dye Your Hair a Completely Different Colour.


Or change your hairstyle. One change that can make you feel like a different person.


9. Go to a Gay / Lesbian Club or Bar.


Or join in with a Pride parade/festival. If you’re gay, you could hang out at a straight bar.


10. Let Go of a Friendship.


Not all friendships are meant to last forever; some come into our lives and exist for different reasons at different times in our life. Holding on to a relationship that has run its course doesn’t do either of you any favours. Quality rather than quantity of friends is the important factor.


标签:   发布日期:2023-05-25 09:43:05  投稿会员:Aucao