我的一天英语作文5句 英语作文我的一天6句话带翻译

I get up at seven on Saturday.after breakfast, I do my homework first. Then, I help my mother with housework.I visit my grandparents on Sunday morning. I play basketball with my friends in the afternoon.\r\n \r\n周六我七点起床。早饭后,我先做作业。然后,我帮妈妈做家务。周日上午我去看我祖父母。下午我和朋友打篮球。\r\n\r\n**************************************************************************\r\n^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,\r\n另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!\r\n**************************************************************************

我的一天英语作文5句 英语作文我的一天6句话带翻译


My day - 1.I get up at 6 o"clock every morning.2.Then I change my cloth,brush my teeth and wash my face.3.I drink a glass of milk,and eat four slices bread for breakfast.4.I go to school on foot at 7 o"clock every day.5.I do morning exercise with classmates at campus at nine-thirty every morning.6.I go home with my classmates at six-thirty every afternoon.


小学五年级英语作文:我爱秋天Of all the four seasons in a year, I love autumn best, because I was born in autumn. My name is Huang Qiusheng. The Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. We can eat all kinds of mooncakes, watch the bright moon in the evening and look for Chang"e and Wu Gang. National Day is also in this season. We don"t go to school, and have a rest for seven days. It is neither hot nor cold in this season. I love autumn best. 【译文】 一年四季之中,我最喜欢秋天,因为我是秋天出生的,我叫黄秋生。 中秋节在秋天。我们可以吃各种各样的月饼,晚上 仰望明月,寻找嫦娥与吴刚。国庆节也在这个季节,我们不上学,休息7天。 这个季节天气不冷也不热,我最喜欢秋天。 谢谢期待您的采纳祝您学习顺利(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

标签: 作文 英语   发布日期:2019-11-13 06:33:39  投稿会员: