200个短语造句 200个英语短语并造句

We almost run out of the water. 我们的水快用完了

In fact, I have left the high school. 事实上,我已经离开了那个高中

would like to have some coffee.. 我想来点咖啡

By the way, your skirt is very beautiful. 顺便说一句,你的裙子很漂亮.

200个短语造句 200个英语短语并造句


I enjoy songs such as this style. I don`t feel well these days. I will take part in a party tonight. These people moved from place to place. I have to tighten my belt to get though this month. She don"t like going out after dark. millions of people are watching this football match now. His parents want him to go abroad. How on earth did that matter happen? It is so hard for me to communicate with you. They always help one another. Helen"s mother is in danger now. Don`t cut down the tree ! I care about your feeling! We must start out small. We will do our best to win this match. These day I get tired of this product. We must stop him (from)doing such a foolish thing. in my opinion,You are right. Please line up in order of height.


标签: 英语 用造   发布日期:2019-11-05 06:27:31  投稿会员: