

If you were standing up when you lost your DNA, you might twitch slightly. When you stand, your muscles are constantly working to keep you upright. The force being exerted by those muscle fibers wouldn 8217;t change, but the mass they 8217;re pulling on-your limbs-would. Since F = ma, various body parts would accelerate slightly.


After that, you would probably feel pretty normal.


For a while.


Destroying angel


Nobody has ever lost all their DNA,2 so we can 8217;t say for sure what the precise sequence of medical consequences would be. But to get an idea of what it might be like, let 8217;s turn to mushroom poisonings.


Amanita bisporigera is a species of mushroom found in eastern North America. Along with related species in America and Europe, it 8217;s known by the common name destroying angel.


Destroying angel is a small, white, inoccuous-looking mushroom. If you 8217;re like me, you were told never to eat mushrooms you found in the woods. Amanita is the reason why.3


If you eat a destroying angel, for the rest of the day you 8217;ll feel fine. Later that night, or the next morning, you 8217;ll start exhibiting cholera-like symptoms-vomiting, abdominal pain, and severe diarrhea. Then you start to feel better.


At the point where you start to feel better, the damage is probably irreversible. Amanita mushrooms contain amatoxin, which binds to an enzyme that is used to read information from DNA. It hobbles the enzyme, effectively interrupting the process by which cells follow DNA 8217;s instructions.


Amatoxin causes irreversible damage to whatever cells it collects in. Since most of your body is made of cells,4 this is bad. Death is generally caused by liver or kidney failure, since those are the first sensitive organs in which the toxin accumulates. Sometimes intensive care and a liver transplant can be enough to save a patient, but a sizable percentage of those who eat Amanita mushrooms die.


标签:   发布日期:2024-03-05 07:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao