学会说“不” 为人生设限带来的10大好处(双语)

You can 8217;t be all things — or do all things — for all people.


A life without limits means rarely saying 8220;no 8221; and considering everyone else 8217;s feelings before your own. Not only are these people-pleasing habits wholly exhausting, they put you on the direct road to burnout, a major health hazard in its own right.


We consulted boundaries expert Chad Buck, a clinical psychologist at Vanderbilt University 8217;s Work/Life Employee Assistance Program, on the life-changing power of establishing a clear-cut view of what you 8217;re willing to tolerate. Below are a few great things that happen when you learn to set your own limits:


1. You 8217;re more self-aware.


Self awareness is the art of recognizing your needs and feelings as your own, and not tied to any person or your environment. Creating your own limitations is an inherently self-aware act — and that can be incredibly beneficial for your own welfare.


2. You become a better friend and partner.


Boundaries make it possible to allow yourself to recharge. And when you 8217;re not totally tapped out, you have more energy to devote to the ones you love.


3. You take better care of yourself.


Boundaries help you prioritize your own well-being — plain and simple.


4. You 8217;re less stressed.


Without establishing your own limits, you open yourself up to the risk of taking on everyone 8217;s problems in addition to your own. Or worse, you ignore your own happenings entirely. If you have a reasonable boundary, you don 8217;t take on additional stress.


标签:   发布日期:2024-01-30 08:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao