
New year. Happier me.


I 8217;ve never been a huge fan of the resolution list craze and I don 8217;t believe in holding off on pursuing goals that can be accomplished before the first of the year. That may be the overachiever in me talking. I 8217;m all about personal development, but getting in better shape, eating healthier and spending more time with family can all start now depending on how bad you really want it right?


So for the purpose of this list, I 8217;ll focus on what it all comes down to anyway 8212; being happy. Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Who doesn 8217;t want to be that person?!


Before we raise our champagne flutes and toast to the beginning of the New Year, here are 15 ways we can be happier when it 8217;s time to greet 2015.


1.Slow down and enjoy the little moments.


Stop being too busy to taste the flavors in your food, to hear yourself think, to watch the sunset or to listen to the words of your favorite song.


2.Say no to time-wasters and space-fillers.


Your days are valuable and should only involve valuable things and people. You can 8217;t be everywhere at once and you can 8217;t be everything to everybody. Choose what and who is deserving of your time and let the rest fall by the wayside.


3.Be more honest and open with yourself.


What do you really want to do with your life? Is the current path you 8217;re on something you 8217;re passionate about or are you doing it because society 8217;s roadmap told you so? Stop getting in more debt attending a grad school program that does not align with your passion.

你究竟想要怎样对待你的人生呢?你现在所走的路是你为之热情奋斗的吗?或者只是循规蹈矩的。不要为了一个自己没有热情的学科项目而负债累累了 。

4.Take more risks.


Seriously. Get out there and get messy. Make mistakes and fail a few times. Fail again after that. Let the challenges help build your character because the success that follows will be worth it.


5.Assess your circle of friends.


Are you constantly giving and listening to other 8217;s drama and not receiving anything in return? Do the people you lean on really support and uplift you? Do you genuinely feel like they have your best interest at heart? Remember, the five people you spend time with the most are a telling sign of who you are.


6.Realize the past can 8217;t be changed.


Like ever. Stop reliving what could have been or obsessing over how the situation may have played out differently if you would have gotten one more word in or reacted better. It didn 8217;t work out for a reason. Take the lesson from it and find comfort in knowing that what 8217;s meant for you will come in due time.


7.Find the time to help someone in need.


Lend a listening ear or a firm shoulder to lean on. You never know when the person doing the needing will end up being you.


标签:   发布日期:2024-01-10 05:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao