
I do not want to quote the old, and yet young, fragile word—your kisses are ice-cold, like the pale moon. From within your vision I see hesitating, nitpicking, and unfathomable wavering. You look at the sky full of stars, seemingly searching. . .

We might be shallow if indulged in relaxation. We have been so exhausted before trudging a long way to fall into the river of love. I am expecting your apology, which you never say easily. I am praying for your commitment, which you make as if you never care. All these happen just without efforts as it seems.

On a dawn we sit on a bench by the lake. Light breezes ripple the water, smashing the shadows of you and me into a misty memory. I am always here for your lonely soul to snuggle up against, whereas you only let me clutch your hand, which is freezing.

Were nature sentient, she too would pass from youth to age; but man 8217;s world is mutable, seas become mulberry fields. All struggling, torment and seeking would be gone.

Our oaths are like the night bell on Nanping Mountain, the rising and falling melody of the music instrument, the emerald tree swaying in the western breeze, and a silhouette in the glittering sunset. We hug each other, and yet in our embrace is not the other one but ourselves. In tears and ineffable ecstasy, we drift along this boundless ocean of sorrow, not turning around. Neither do you nor me.

Thus each of us has savored the ineffable solitude, an inter-puzzling agony, the fatigue through wearing each other out, the fear after we both saw the dark and dust of the other 8217;s heart .

When we love to the bone, our withered heart is tormented and torn apart by having to face departures. Our hearts were exiled where happiness is too far to reach, where there is but our bittersweet expectation of love. We love this person, along with all living things—the sky, the earth, mountains and rivers. The soul is in nausea and anxiety, for the bygone rainy days.

Feelings surge like rushing rivers, and fluctuate like turbulent oceans. True love is always solemn and stirring, true love is always of solitude, just like darkness before dust. . . .

When can we touch our love and do not feel like touching our own wounds? When can we listen to our love not feeling like hearing feedback of our desperate call of life? And when is your solitude mine, your blood my tears? Lonely we would both open two doors of the heart, and let our breath make a concerto even in a day of no sun. At that moment solitude creates a magnificent savor. It is not only the tranquility of the Nanshan Mountain, the dawn and shimmering moonlight, the sunset at the desolate desert, and the lonely smoke rising above the river. It is more of peaceful smiles and confident departures. In a world filled with only joy and happiness, solitude is the haven of calmness. We savor the joyfulness of solitude, just as we chew olive, to taste its bitterness and sweetness.

Love is the monsoon of melancholy. You and I listen to life in the rain. There comes a gentle bell from the distance horizon. On a planet bathed in misty rain, you are a free bird flying high up in the sky, and I am but a lonely soul floating in the dark, stormy sea.




天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑,一切的挣扎,煎熬,寻觅都是过眼云烟。我们的誓言象南屏晚钟,象悠扬的琴音,如西风碧树,晚霞剪影。我们彼此拥抱,拥抱的只是自己,我们含着泪珠忍着难言的喜悦,杂乱无章地顺着无边的苦海游荡,你不回头 8230;我不回头 8230; 8230;


爱到深处,憔悴的心灵被生离死别的期待煎熬着,心被流放到远离幸福是地方,永远是对情人渴望太久太甚的苦涩,爱情人,爱情人的天空,大地,山川河流,一切有灵性的万事万物。灵魂的悸动,焦灼,为雨季不再来,感情一如浩浩荡荡的江河,汹涌澎湃的海洋,真正的爱情永远是悲壮,孤独的,象黎明前的黑暗 8230; 8230;.




标签:   发布日期:2023-09-05 08:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao