
模仿游戏》(The Imitation Game),是由莫腾・泰杜姆执导,本尼迪克特・康伯巴奇、凯拉・奈特莉等主演的传记电影。影片改编自安德鲁・霍奇斯编著的传记《艾伦・图灵传》,讲述“计算机科学之父”艾伦・图灵的传奇人生,故事主要聚焦于图灵在二战期间协助盟军破译德国密码系统Enigma的经历 。二战期间,纳粹德国研发出号称无法破译的通讯加密装置Enigma,将所有机密转换成乱码发送出去,全世界如临大敌……天才数学家艾伦・图灵(本尼迪克特・康伯巴奇饰)奉命协助盟军破解Enigma。他率领琼・克拉克(凯拉・奈特莉饰)等顶尖密码专家,经历无数挫折与失败,终于发明了密码破解装置,成功破译史上最难解的“谜”,及时拯救了无数宝贵的生命。然而战后,英国政府却发现了他最深不可告人的秘密……图灵是著名的同性恋之一,并因为其同性恋倾向而遭到迫害,使得他的职业生涯尽毁。1952年,他的同性伴侣协同一名同谋一起闯进了图灵的房子实施盗窃。图灵为此而报警。但是警方的调查结果使得他被控以“明显的猥亵和性颠倒行为”。他没有申辩,并被定罪。在著名的公审后,他被给予了两个选择:坐牢或荷尔蒙疗法。他选择了荷尔蒙注射,并持续了一年。在这段时间里,药物产生了包括乳房不断发育的副作用。1954年,图灵因食用浸过氰化物溶液的苹果死亡。很多人相信他是自杀。但是他的母亲极力争论他的死是意外,因为他在实验室里不小心堆放了很多化学物品。小编整理了电影《模仿游戏》经典对白片段台词、语录大全,来看看吧!


1、Who will fall in love with ordinary?谁会爱上普通?

2、Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be lied to. If someone’s waiting for a lie, you can’t just give them one. 撒谎最煎熬的时候就是明知道别人在等你撒谎的时候。如果别人在等着你撒谎。你不能只是给他们制造一个谎言。

3、Sometimes it"s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine. 「有时候,那些令人意想不到的人,做出了让人意想不到的事情。」


5、Sometimes it is the very people who no one imagines anything of , who do the things that no one can imagine. 有时候,正是那些人们认为的无用之人,成就了无人所成之事。


7、You need me a lot more than I need you. 你需要我大于我需要你。

8、But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here. What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility. It’s yours. 记住,这是你的选择。自此刻起,发生什么都不由我负责,而是由你负责。


10、我想,有时正是人们无法理解和想象之人,才能做出超乎想象之事。 ——《模仿游戏》


12、Do you know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes hollow. 你知道人们为什么喜欢用暴力么?因为那感觉很好。人类觉得使用暴力令人满足。但是除去这些满足感,暴力行为就变的很空洞。



15、Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine. 「有时候,被世人遗弃的人,才能成就别人想像不到的大事。」



18、You know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Sometimes we can’t do what feels good. We have to do what is logical. 你知道人们为什么喜欢诉诸暴力么?因为用暴力宣泄很爽快,但有时候我们不能让感情战胜理智。我们要三次而后行。


20、有时正是无人看好之人,成就了无人敢想之事。But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here. What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility. It’s yours.

21、I know it"s not ordinary. But who ever loved ordinary?


23、Do you know why people like violence?It is because it feels good.Humans find violence deeply satisfying,but remove the satisfaction,the acts becomes hollow.你知道为什么人们总喜欢暴力吗?因为它让人感觉不错。人们发现暴力带来深深的满足感,但除去这些满足感,暴力行为会变得非常空洞。

24、Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.This isn’t about crossword puzzles. It’s about how one approaches solving an impossible problem. Do you take the whole thing at once or divide it into small。

Those who don"t understand you cheer at your success, those who do are saddened by the price you paid.


27、No one normal could have done that. Now, if you wish you could have been normal, I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren’t. I think that sometimes it’s the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

28、sometimes it s the very people who no one imagines anything of. who do the things that no one can imagine. 有时候正是那些最意想不到的人 能做出最超出想象的事

29、Are you a bleeding pacifist?你是和平主义者吗?
I"m agnostic about violence.我是暴力不可知论者。

30、Every day we decided who lived and who died. Every day we helped the allies to victories, and nobody knew. 我们每天都决定着别人的生死。我们每天帮助盟友取得胜利,然而无人知晓。


标签: 模仿游戏   发布日期:2022-04-30 09:50:16  投稿会员:linxian