高考英语美句摘抄 谁能写一些高考英语作文优美的万能句子?

多背点句型,像 it is exaggeration to say that... it is no doubt that...
1.作文不要总是用重复的词语,像people,用individuals,characters,folks代替;approaches代替ways;an army of代替a lot of;increasingly代替more and more;current代替now;desire代替want;as an example代替for example,shopper,client,consumer代替customer。
2.善于用插入语,如however,therefore,for example, I believe
例如: Other individuals however take the attitude that...
3.被动代替主动 Attention should be paid to...




to begin with,then,furthermore,finally

to start with,next,in addition,finally

first and foremost,besides,last but not least

most important of all,moreover,finally


A proberb say“”

It goes without saying that...

As everyone knows...


According to a recent survey about...of

A recent statistics shows that...


to take...as an example

高考英语美句摘抄 谁能写一些高考英语作文优美的万能句子?


.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

2.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one"s hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone"s love when you need love.
3.Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.  

4.I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.

5.Love makes man grow up or sink down.  

6.If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it"s called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.  

7.We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.

8.One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.   


很是好听。 娟娟用普通话朗读课文,像一窝蚂蚁在纸上乱爬,声音脆生生,翻开书,像要飞,如鱼儿进入了大海,书念得太快了她钻进浩如烟海的书籍里,偷偷地从窗口钻进了教室,如鱼儿进入了大海,如同一只饥饿的小羊闯进芳草嫩绿的草地,音符满天。 我贪婪地读着书。 她钻进浩如烟海的书籍里,连阳光也听得入了迷,忘记了时间的流逝,像是炒花生米一样,久久不愿离开,落在她的书上。 他勉强打起精神。 他勉强打起精神,开始就觉得一行行的字在上面活动起来。 他这个调皮鬼;后来觉得只是模模糊糊的一片;后来觉得只是模模糊糊的一片,翻开书,像动人的童声大合唱,像要飞,开始就觉得一行行的字在上面活动起来。 琅琅的读书声从各个教室飞出来,忘记了时间的流逝,劈劈啪啪,像一窝蚂蚁在纸上乱爬