失恋英文句子简短 伤感失恋的英语句子

I don"t mind if you heat me.It doesn"t matter at all.I"m not living to please you.我并不在乎你讨厌我,我不是为了取悦你而活.
You are so lucky,because you can choose to love me or not ,but myself only have to choose from loving you or loveing you more.你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或是不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或是更爱你。
I desire to grow old with you without paying.多想一个不小心,就跟你白头到老
The rain has stopped, but the heart still drop by drop down, that is the thoughts of you.
The dark corner, only belong to me, no one disturb, no one company, only the lonely winding.
I indulge themselves again and again, and the end, I a person nephew coriolano.

失恋英文句子简短 伤感失恋的英语句子


I lay my love on you。(我把爱给了你)
stay here forever 。(永远留在这里)
even when you gone。(就算你走了)
I will do it for you。(为你而战)
nobody ever love me till you。(只有你爱我,没有别人)


Don"t have to go to the tears of last night, wet the sunshine of today

标签: 失恋 英语   发布日期:2019-12-13 06:52:25  投稿会员: