疑问的句子 关于疑问句的句子

1. 这个包里面都有什么? (特殊疑问句)
2. 你是学生吗? (一般疑问句)
3. 这本书是你的还是她的? (选择疑问句)

1. 一般疑问句:
Do you like my pen?
Have you any money? =Do you have any money?
What is he doing?
Where has your teacher lived?
Who will come?
What has happened to him?
1:句子1: what are the things you like doing ? 这个句子有BE动词,为什么有?
句子2: what food do you eat for dinner? 这个句子里的food 前面没有BE动词?为什么?
句子3: what personal appointments do you have this month? 也没有BE动词。
问题2:it is fine with me【这对我挺合适】
it is fine for me【这我也没问题】
I like the weather, don"t mind a bit cooler, but the way it is is fine with me.我喜欢现在的天气,不介意再凉一点,可是就是这样我也很开心。
He has said it is “fine with me” if American troops remain in Iraq for “maybe a hundredyears”.他曾经说过如果美军在伊逗留“100多年”他也“可以接受”。

I don"t really think so, it is fine for me. (Do you want me to turn it down ? )对,是有一点嘈杂,但我还是蛮喜欢的.(你想让我调轻一点吗?)
Maybe that is fine for me, It needs me sinkinto my endless dark.

疑问的句子 关于疑问句的句子


Have you been living here? 你一直住在这儿吗?
Can"t he drive? 他不是会开车吗?
Can he not drive? 他不会开车吗?
Is he not a student? 他不是学生吗?

问题 句子


标签: 疑问   发布日期:2019-11-11 06:56:26  投稿会员: